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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Well I’m not in Kentucky but the company was Fastenal and they definitely have warehouses there. They’re a big international industrial supplier. I was only warehouse adjacent when I worked for them but I know the warehouse benefits and pay were pretty middle of the road in my location. They’ve got a whole internal education program which is actually surprisingly good. All in all it wasn’t a bad place to work.

    If you want fitness then pick to light in one of their warehouses will definitely get you that. And they definitely do forklift training. Idk if I can link here but if you just google fastenal then they will pop up.

  • I… don’t even know how to respond to that. Imagine if I watched a single youtube video about your field and immediately decided I knew what you did and didn’t need to do your job. Maybe you didn’t intend it that way but it comes across as very condescending.

    I’m not sure what parts you think are unnecissary but everything I specifically mentioned (outside of the 2nd story wall thing) is.

    You can’t enter confined spaces without SCBA gear. People die doing that. We specifically have to watch videos of people dieing doing that to drill it into our heads not to do that.

    Extracting a patient with a spinal injury from a wrecked vehicle without being able to cut up that vehicle is next to imposible without potentially paralyzing them.

    People are stupid and they will plow directly into emergency vehicles and responders if you let them. Look up target fixation if you want an interesting read on that.

    Emergency vehicles do get into collisions all the time ane every agency has procedures for transfering patients to another ambulance WHEN it happens.

    The gear in an ambulance is all there for a reason. If it wasn’t then the crew wouldn’t want it there because it is taking up their space. Remember the US is massive and you may need to keep a patient stable for extremely extended periods of time to reach the nearest hospital. In the EU things aren’t nearly as spread out. They can afford to not have bulky things like a LUCAS device in the ambulance.

    In fact a lot of the reason our emergency vehicles are so massive basically just boils down to the services being so spread out. EMS need to be prepared for every possible situation because they frequently don’t have the ability to call in backup or aditional gear in a timely manner. When you get to a scene, you have what you brought with you and that’s it. By the time backup can get there the patient will be dead. Ambulances need to be geared for anything from a drug overdose to a school bus rollover. Firetrucks need to be geared for anthing from a flaming chicken coop to a derailed tanker of anyhdrous ammonia. Maybe if every single town had their own services that wouldn’t be the case but the reality is most towns don’t and even if they do it winds up being one firetruck or one ambulance with no budget to have specialized vehicles so you have the exact same issue.

  • Welcome to Lemmy. I see most people answered your questions but just so you’re aware, the only reason world has as many users as it does is because it was basically the only instance that didn’t close it’s signups durring the first reddit exodus and that also had enough resources to handle the massive influx of users without completely breaking. Most people didn’t pick world for any reason other than it was the only instance they could sign up for at the time. Joining any other instance is better because a more diverse fediverse is a healthier fediverse.

  • EMR here so I have some insight on this.

    As far as why firetrucks respond to medical emergencies, it’s because they’re also trained EMRs (previously called first responders) so they can provide some treatment on the scene even if they can’t provide transport or do all the things an EMT or paramedic can do. In many emergency situations fire crews are also able to act where medical responders couldn’t. In a car accident they can cut up the car so the patient can be removed without disturbing a potentially broken spine. In confined spaces they have SCBA gear to enter safely where normal medical responders can’t do anything. Hell, if you wanted to, you could extract a patient through a second story wall with the equipment firefighters have at their disposal. There are many times where firefighters have resources that the ambulance crew don’t have access to. Firetrucks, due to the fact that they are built like tanks, are also used for trafic control. If a road needs to be shut down they just park a fire truck across it. If there’s an accident along a busy road they can park the fire truck between the responders and traffic so any lookielou hits the fire truck instead of the ambulance crew which is a frequent enough occurance that it is specifically covered in training. There is no better friend to EMS than a firetruck on scene.

    As far as why ambulances are so huge, it’s partly because they are mobile emergency rooms. They have everything you could possibly want to stabilize a patient in them plus spares and enough room to work around that patient while on the move. The other reason they’re so big is because they’re designed to be hit. While they aren’t as indestructable as a fire truck, they are designed to come out as the winner in most car accidents because the likelihood of them being in a collision is much higher than most vehicles and they frequently carry unsecured people in the back. Ambulance accidents are also something we were specifically trained for. If it does happen then the ambulance may not always be able to take a hit and keep moving like a firetruck could, but it will almost always keep those in the back alive if not entirely unharmed.

    Sorry for any spelling mistakes, that was more of a wall of text than I planned and I just woke up so my brain isn’t working yet.

  • It’s a timeshare and it is basically a scam for most people. Basically you’re buying time to stay at the place that you can technically use at any time year round as long as you book it in advance. The problem is that all of the days that most people go on vacations (spring break, summer, holidays, etc) will already be booked by the 500 other people who also bought the same thing. So really the only times you will actually be able to use the place are when no one else wants to be there.

    If you have the ability and desire to drop everything and vacation there on a random week whenever it happens to be available then it can still be a good deal for you, but most people have obligations like work, school, or family that limits when they can just drop everything and leave to spend time at their timeshare.