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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Thanks for this. Helpful comment.

    Question: Can someone report anonymously to a non emergency number?

    I mean I get you probably shouldn’t call animal control or something, but if someone just really does not want to involve themselves with police/emergency services, is there a better option?

    I helped open a community center in my hometown. We had more than a handful of volunteers who were brought up with a “no 911” mindset.

    I guess I’m just curious if there’s an option for folks who are just flat out opposed.

    Pay phone is anonymous answer, but the finger condom requirement will likely yield laziness.

  • My analogy isn’t terrible, it’s spot fucking on. You just use the ice maker & wouldn’t want to lose it so you’ve attached more value to it than the Anova App.

    Does the refrigerator not refrigerate without the ice maker? You didn’t buy an ice maker, you bought a refrigerator.

    No one is pissed about the device not working. People are pissed that Anova is taking away a FEATURE.

    Anova App = Feature included in original purchase price

    Ice Maker = Feature included in original purchase price.

    This isn’t about the value of what’s being taken away. It’s about the principle of taking away something that was already paid for.

    If Anova wants a subscription based model, they’re welcome to it, but…

    Their current customers did not buy into a subscription model & have the absolute right to be pissed off about being forced into one.