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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2023


  • There is no “write and forget” solution. There never has been.

    Do you think we have ORIGINALS or Greek or roman written texts? No, we have only those that have been copied over and over in the course of the centuries. Historians knows too well. And 90% of anything ever written by humans in all history has been lost, all that was written on more durable media than ours.

    The future will hold only those memories of us that our descendants will take the time to copy over and over. Nothing that we will do today to preserve our media will last 1000 years in any case.

    (Will we as a specie survive 1000 more years?)

    Still, it our duty to preserve for the future as much as we can. If today’s historians are any guide, the most important bits will be those less valuable today: the ones nobody will care to actually preserve.

    Citing Alessandro Barbero, a top notch Italian current historian, he would kill no know what a common passant had for breakfast in the tenth century. We know nothing about that, while we know a tiny little more about kings.

  • i am well over 40 and still play games. The “problem” is that gaming now compete with lots of more important stuff like: kids, family, dogs, home repairs, sport activity, wife, work, errands to run, and sure I am leaving out many.

    So, forget sitting on a computer or console for even half hour. I consume quick mobile games, where reflexes are not decisive (that’s age, thanks).

    I even bought a real Nintendo DS Lite with the cracked cartridge to load games on microssd, and my kid loves it, but even New Super Mario Bros takes too long between saves for the free time I have, so you get the idea.

    Would I still do hours gaming sessions even if I could? No, too many hobbies and ideas that pop up all the time to work on… Maybe this is because I cannot for the sake of life get closed to modern games. AAA are cashgrabs, indie require too much time researching them, and anyway I need mobile gaming, that sucks overall.

  • Latest build had issues with a few models due to a selinx issue.

    Flashing an older build should work tough. Try flash a selinux-permissive zip from recovery maybe, that should let you boot.

    Next week build will fix the issue I am sure, but you should join the lineageos reddit channel or the discord server.

  • Almost 50. Most of (back pain, muscle pain, articulary pains…) my “age” issues have been cured (well, improved…) By an highly active sport life. Think of -daily- activity, not walks, but mixing running and swimming actively. It took one years or so, but I feel 38 again. The trick is NEVER stop, keep doing sport never let more that one or two days pass by without at least 1h run or 1h swim. Get proper clothes and shoes, RUN PROPERLY, and be very progressive not to injure your ligaments.

    (Except for those small prints, I swear they used to write them bigger… And small cuts healing that still take ages…)

    Also, my memory has improved. Maybe it’s all the time I can let my mind free while swimming or running… And indeed my stress levels have dropped.