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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Programs have “learned” how to play games without instruction — most recently with rat neurons playing Doom — and that’s what they’ll attempt to do with LLM’s. It must learn from feedback, experience and interaction as we could never code something that complex.

    I don’t believe LLM’s can achieve general AI, but humans are just organic pattern recognition devices at the end of the day — a brain in an organic machine that can sense a fraction of the world around us.

    The problem is that LLM’s are dumb, thus dangerous when given autonomy, they’ll be used to wage war, and the military industrial complex is more likely to destroy us with autonomous LLM killbots than achieve general AI.

  • All of which are heavily based on open source software, donations, and in the case of wikipedia, user generated and moderated content.

    The solution is not centralization. It’s decentralization. A decentralized internet archive could not be held accountable, or taken down, by any individual government. It will remain active and fault tolerant as long as enough users keep enough storage allocated to maintain replication and redundancy. One architected with zero knowledge encryption as the backbone (e.g. IPFS + I2P) could even operate within the jurisdiction of hostile governments.

  • Exactly. This is why the internet archive should be a universally publicly-funded endeavor. It’s just as important as the world’s libraries.

    I’m really hoping the internet archive shifts to some distributed P2P type model (IPFS, Tahoe-Lafs etc) where anyone can assign a hard drive as tribute, archive any public webpage on it and it’ll be replicated around the world, but still accessible through a single protocol. You can’t stop the signal!