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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024

  • The point isn’t “it’s their fault”. But it changes the dynamic.

    An enthusiast community can, for good and bad, largely self regulate. It’s easier to keep corporate interests either out, or engaging on your terms.

    Once the community grows to include a high enough proportion of casual participants, that ability goes away, because manipulations that don’t work on inquisitive expert audiences do work on less informed ones, and less willing to question. It’s harder to establish who actually knows what they’re talking about by reputation, it’s harder to weed out the trolls from the naive, and it’s just generally harder to keep the focus of the community where you want it to be.

    Corporations are one of the groups of bad actors manipulating that difference in dynamics, but the dynamics are different because of the large influx of people who don’t understand as much and aren’t trying to.

  • If the alternative is corporations violating privacy even more? Absolutely.

    The absolute maximum information it’s legal for corporations should be a dozen orders of magnitude less than they do right now, and asking a single user for an ID without a clear, bulletproof cause should be an instant corporate death penalty with every bit of data they’ve ever collected erased.

    Privacy is a fundamental right and you shouldn’t be allowed to operate anywhere if you don’t respect it absolutely.

  • Usually “expensive money” means that it’s hard to borrow.

    “Devalued” refers to purchasing power. “How much food will $1 buy me?”

    They’re describing different things. In terms of the economic relationships that result in the current scenario, I’m not even going to try. Ignoring that we don’t really know and a lot of traditional economics rely on the assumption that actors are rational (which we now know is absurd), I’m far from an expert in macro-economic theory. Systems are complicated.