Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023

  • You do realize that this is bullshit, right?

    Its typical fearmongering (in fact the same article too) that I have been sent a ton of times by low tech users that fanboy for graphene.

    There is no such thing as „physical port attacks“. It also works very different on phones then on computers. You can for example use i2c on an iphone to crack it open which somewhat straightforward to do but still has zero implications for daily use. The linux apps are desktop apps and as such dont have any chance to get through all of the open source community‘s eyes undetected.

    Its a completely backwards take that assumes using bad faith software written in the dark by proprietary vendors which just isnt real.

  • If you would read the book, they explain the point you are trying to make in the first couple of pages.

    You have your opinion of how stuff should be done. But that doesnt mean everyone else needs to do it your way. Thats how we got into this mess.

    Also very good analogy in the book: if you vote or not is your decision, plain and simple. But voting takes a couple minutes on average. If you want change, you can hang up a poster or print some flyers or take a megaphone, depending on what you‘re comfortable with.

    I come from a country where people used to be put in gas chambers because the responsibility didnt reach far enough down and right now, that same country is going that exact route again.

  • Well, reading up on the modlog, the things that were removed were riddled with rhetoric. Try to leave the judgement out of your words and you‘ll probably have a better time.

    Even the post you made to complain about it is problematic. Not everyone here is a native english speaker. Even those might not have the will to read through your four line long sentence.

    Also, me joining the apple fanbois club and telling them why apple is not great just does not make sense. Same goes for veganism or any other thing people like. Critical discussions are for the broader fields, not the „fan convention“.

  • Okay, thanks for elaborating.

    I agree. There are many selfish people out there. But they dont live in a vacuum. In a world where you have the repsonsibility for your surroundings, many people could rise to the occasion. Also, if a water pipe breaks in front of my home and you decide to vote against fixing it together, what do you think will happen to you, either when you need help or if I‘m vindictive, sooner?

    We dont have anything to compare our living conditions to because we have never lived any different than now. We dont attempt to test self governed communities. What do you think why that is?

    One hint that shows me that it works are coops. They work without central oversight because its not the oversight that makes us interact but our own intellect.

  • Thats a really good question! Thank you.

    This idea is part of a larger premise so I‘d need to establish a VERY different reality that most of us live in now. Funny enough, your point of people acting out of pure self interest is one part that would go first because these people would not survive the world I‘m imagining.

    Federation is part of anarchism and in most interpretations I‘ve heard and read so far, communities would work for their shared benefit so of course you fix your neighbors roof, otherwise they will not help you in the future.

  • This. I‘m hosting a couple matrix servers and have many friends who have a ton of issues. It really depends on the admin and how tech savvy everyone involved is. If you cant be arsed to understand how key sharing works and check out which is the best client for you, matrix might bot be the best choice. I love it, personally but I suggest it rarely since tech illiterate users tend to get really upset about a free product not matching their insane standards.