A software developer and Linux nerd, living in Germany. I’m usually a chill dude but my online persona doesn’t always reflect my true personality. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I usually try to be nice and give good advice, though.

I’m into Free Software, selfhosting, microcontrollers and electronics, freedom, privacy and the usual stuff. And a few select other random things, too.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • Then I misunderstood what the question is about. With your definition and the original question in mind, it’d boil down to doing journalism. Of course that isn’t illegal. But it also has some severe restrictions when it comes to individual people and their private life. You can’t just doxx someone and publish everything invading their privacy. And here also different rules apply to the person investigating and the person publishing the information. But the rules for private investigators still apply.

    And I still think a good part of what a private investigator does is things like finding out if someone cheated on their spouse. And that includes following people. And they better not tell how much they exactly followed someone, but instead only take a picture when they actually caught their suspect doing something wrong. Which they can’t do with the premise of this story… Without a clear goal, they’d have to become more like a paparazzi. Which might be closer to illegal and the movie PI than their usual job.

    And sure, other parts of their job is probably digging through social media, paper trails when it comes to money, investigating if someone embezzles money or is in breach of a contract. But I don’t think it applies fully in this situation.

    However, if you find a politician embezzles money, or poses for the working class and secretly owns 5 mansions in Miami, and you call them out… That’s regular journalism. You just need to make sure to obtain that information legally. Or claim you got that from a mysterious source. And adhere to the standards of journalism. You can’t publish when they fetch their kids from school and then someone goes ahead and uses that information to harass their 12yo daughter.

  • And since it wasn’t ever a secret that these services are for data harvesting, they got next to nothing from me. I mean does it make a substancial difference if they sell your data or use it to get to know you so they can do targeted advertising… Or train an AI with it? I’d say the latter isn’t even that bad compared to the other business model. But yeah, be cautious about these tech companies. Generally speaking they’re not invested in your privacy. On the contrary. If you value that, use other services. And it’s been that way for quite some time.

  • I’d blame capitalism. And corporations prefering short term growth and attracting investors. And the whole modern business model of exploiting users private data to sell advertisements. That’s how the whole internet works these days and thak makes being evil baked into every successful company.

    And btw: Zuck did one good thing. He personally gave us competetive AI models to tinker around with. If it weren’t for people like him, we would have AI dominate us without the average person having access to more than the online services like ChatGPT. Yeah but that doesn’t take away from the things you lined out.