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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I made course for 11th and 12th graders together with a friend when I at university. It was only one week long and the topic was neural networks (we hit the timing right, it was 3 years before the AI hype started).

    I did that experiment where you give the students 5 random places and amount of time out of a week. You say that is the movement profile of a fictional person and the students have to find out why those places matter.

    Makes them learn the importance of information and how linking data can be an insane tool for understanding as something. But it also teaches how easy it is to gather information from small data points and self aware you should be about your digital footprint.

  • I think there’s a few things in your response that trigger alarm bells.

    First of all, it sounds like your environment is awful. Can you try to change things just a bit? Step by step? Identify what exactly it is (if it’s family, try to get some distance to them (try to not hang around them if you can, etc.), if it’s friends, try to go out and do your own thing for a bit and maybe try to approach new ppl, if it’s school, talk to someone you trust and maybe figure out a solution where you can get some help there.

    In general if you can, maybe therapy could help. If it’s a permanent thing, and that’s what it sounds like, a therapist can help you find solutions to deal with it.

    What’s kind of odd to me is that you say it’s the little things that contribute a lot. Now having a bad day is not odd, but if it’s one of the reasons you have a bad life rn, that’s odd. I would look into why this still affects you in that magnitude. This something else you could talk with a therapist about.

    I know that if you have good mental health usually these small things shouldn’t throw you off, they are just a bit annoying. That’s basically how usually ppl deal with it.

    Now mind you I’m def not judging, I let small things get to me as well, but I’m in therapy for related issues and that’s why I know I will improve.

    And the thing with social media: basically, there’s infinite good things and infinite bad things on social media. But the response to bad things is much stronger than it is too good things, that’s why social media has a bias to display bad things (news, etc). So either limiting social media usage can be good, or you can try to curb news and stuff to get less of a skewed view. I did the same - I completely removed my reddit account (which tends to have a more pessimistic user base) and on Lemmy I started unfollowing a lot of news communities. It’s just more healthy for me to see more neutral and positive things.

    So yeah I hope I could help you. And always remember, as long as you believe it will get better, it will. Your brain has an amazing ability to reinforce positive thinking patterns if you concentrate on them and this in turn makes you behave more positively towards others and therefore can actively help you on your conquest to change your environment. Wish I could link you studies on this rn but I can only give you the good ole trust me bro guarantee.

    Good luck on making a change, I believe if you do you can be a big positive influence for others :)

  • I imagine that if the DA tried to do this often enough, it could lead to a mistrial and possible disciplinary action.

    You are 100% that at some point they would have been reprimanded by the judge and other counsel would have at least asked for a mistrial, although disciplinary action is very much more rare, as the bar reserves it for the more outrageous ethical misconduct like with Tom Girardi or Alex Murdough (not sure about spelling).

    It actually happens a lot that counsel does improper stuff, but usually they keep it to a minimum. But it also heavily depends on how strict the judge is.

    In the end, every trial is a new constellation with different dynamics and you never know what will happen, as is custom with juries as well.

    But yeah to get back to get on topic, the jury is the one deciding and the judge is trying to make sure the jury only decides on the facts. Deciding what facts is trying to keep the trial fair to both parties. And making jurors disregard testimony is done in the hopes the jury will try to ignore it or at least not consider it for their decision.

    And what you are saying makes it clear that it definitely works to some degree. I would love to know how well it works, but that is a different question, although we can assume it works reasonably well considering we’re still doing it and these things are researched in the form of jury experiments every once in a while.