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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The overhead and performance hit aren’t worth it for me in general since these browsers are set up to enforce secure connections as long as you don’t override it. And I don’t have to worry about government level website filtering. I do see the value in tunnels for stopping the ISPs from tracking and selling the list of sites you connect to, but I’d rather set up my own proxy for that if I felt it was worth it. It’s easy enough to set up a web proxy on a small, cheap, remote VPS or pay for a trustworthy service with no logging so the ISP would just see that connection and it would be way faster. I don’t see much value in using a Tor browser otherwise anymore now that HTTPS is ubiquitous and secure DNS exists, unless you want to access things not on the public web.

  • Or you realize it’s not “intelligent” like the marketing suggests and realize it is eating tons of resources at almost all companies by being incapable of accurately doing the things it’s being used for (mostly to replace employees). So you are waiting, impatiently, for the buzz to fade so that executives wasting time and money on it will allow that money to be spent on more substantial needs, like hiring people.

  • They removed the requirement for a DUNS for individual developers, so I switched my account to individual from my previous LLC. My LLC has been inactive for a long time and I didn’t feel like changing my address with the IRS and all that. But all of my apps are free.

    But the real issue is they keep making it more difficult to keep the app active. There are so many documentation requirements that I just didn’t have time for, so my apps which are really old got removed over one of those new requirements a while back. I fixed a few like making it an adults only app because it has a recipe for mulled wine. But it just wasn’t worth all the other stuff and I haven’t wanted to recompile in the newer SDK. If I could do it without making any changes to the code it would be fine, but there’s been too many changes. One of these days I’ll update it, but I’m one of the few people who even use my apps, so it’s not a big deal.

  • But Trump believes that all executive branch employees are directly reportable to him and he forced out and refused to replace many employees. Also, there is Schedule F. Trump didn’t have enough time to fully implement it the first time. This removed employees are n “confidential, policy-determining, policy-making or policy-advocating” positions from the General Schedule. Meaning they were political appointees going forward. Biden rescinded it immediately so it never got used, but it will be reimplemented.

    With that, he has the power to implement almost anything without oversight. When he implements his tariffs for example, and other countries retaliate with their own, the value of American goods will plummet since they’ll be way more expensive. This will reduce trade and thus the value of the currency. And no amount of tweaks to interest rates will stop that.

    Sure he can’t print money, but the reliability ratings of US debt are already declining due to the fights over the debt ceiling, and Trump supports that fight and doesn’t believe that the US should have to pay those debts because of the investments we’ve made. Simply blocking those payments could tank the currency. There are tons of ways if there’s no legal consequences and most employees are replaced with his loyalists.

  • A politician should not be allowed to own something they have the explicit power to artificially inflate the value of. For the president, that’s all businesses.

    As for currency, again, the president has the ability to crash the value of the American currency and drive people to his currency in order to artificially inflate it. Sacrificing an entire global economy for personal gain should not be possible.

    But not only is it possible, now with the recent Supreme Court ruling, he’d be immune to prosecution for doing it, so why wouldn’t he do it?

  • Yeah, I mean it totally would improve my collaboration if I, a software architect, went into a small sales office near me even though no one in my department, not even the same division of my company will be there, so I’ll still be using the same communication tools.

    Plus the pay cut I’ll be taking by having to pay for another car, gas, and downtown parking. None of which the company will cover. And the building is only open from 7:30 to 5 Pacific Time, but all my meetings are Eastern Time, so I’ll be missing morning meetings while I commute and wait for the building to open, and I sure as heck won’t be bringing my laptop home, so they get that many hours out of me and no weekends.

    Yep everyone benefits.