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Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • January 20, 2021


    Well, Joe, you made it. A lot of people said you wouldn’t. Frankly, I’m surprised, but here we are. You know, this job—it’s not easy. People don’t understand. They think they know, but they have no idea. Believe me, it’s the toughest job in the world. I did it better than anyone ever has, that I can tell you. People say it all the time. But now it’s your turn. Let’s see what you’ve got.

    You’re going to learn quickly, Joe. The media? They’ll love you at first. They’re on your side now, we all know that, OK? They never treated me fairly. It was a witch hunt from day one. Fake news—nonstop. But here’s the thing: they’ll turn on you too. Trust me, they always do. And when they do, you’ve got to be ready. They’re not your friends, Joe. They never were.

    Let’s talk about the swamp. You know it’s bad, I know it’s bad—everybody knows it’s bad. But it’s worse than you think. Much worse. They’ll smile to your face and stab you in the back. I cleaned a lot of it up—did an incredible job, by the way—but you’ve got to watch out. You’ve been here 47 years, but I don’t think you’ve seen what I’ve seen. Be strong, Joe. You’re going to need to be stronger than you’ve ever been.

    America First, Joe. Always. I rebuilt this country. Best economy in history. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. Record jobs, record stock market, and then—boom—the China virus hit. Total disaster. But we handled it amazingly. You’re inheriting something great, don’t mess it up. People love America First, Joe. You’d better not forget that. The radical left—they’ll try to pull you away from it. Don’t let them do it. They’ll ruin everything. Believe me, they’re bad news. Very bad news.

    And here’s the thing: they’ll tell you to undo everything we did—big mistake. Huge. The military? I rebuilt it. Our trade deals? Best deals we’ve ever had. You don’t want to go back to the old way. It was a disaster before me. Total disaster. Keep what works, Joe, even if they tell you not to. They won’t admit it, but they know I was right. Everybody knows it.

    Anyway, Joe, good luck. You’re gonna need it. We’ll see what happens, right? A lot of people are watching. And you never know, maybe I’ll be back in 2024. People are talking about it. A lot of people.

    Donald J. Trump
    45th President of the United States

    P.S. Don’t let Kamala take over. I hear she’s already measuring the drapes. Sad!

    Edit: forgot to mention that this is not the real letter. Obviously.

  • The hardware has full functionality from day one. The limitation is in what software you are using.

    Active suspension is not a hardware feature, it’s software collecting data from sensors and by analysing the data being able adjusting the suspension to “optimal performance”. Just because certain hardware can be controlled by software doesn’t mean that you will get whatever software features you like to have.

    BMW would claim that “BMW Smooth Comfortable Cloud Ride Software” is included free of charge with the purchase of a BMW.

    BMW would also claim that they offer “BMW Hyper Advanced AI Premium Sensation Masculine Active Road Experience Pro Suspension” as an optional subscription for alpha males and people with too much money in their pockets.

    The outcome of what you are suggesting will be a slight change in the phrasing of the product offering at the most.

    With access to the keys, the owner can subscribe to the BMW solution, unlock the features in breach of the agreement with BMW by not subscribing or get a software solution for the car from another provider.